The Process

Main Question:

How will you plan a full-filled weeklong vacation to Europe for three people from three different generations on $6,000 or less?

Step 1:

Choose your destination (the land of your ancestors, as agreed upon by all team members).

Which country in Western Europe will you visit?

Step 2:

Divide up the Roles and Responsibilities between your team members.

Read the Roles and Responsibilities carefully then divide up your research tasks according to your roles. Which expert are you going to be?

Print and fill out the KWL chart to help you get started.

Step 3:

Research your country.

Each partner will work on different research tasks according to his or her role.


Record what you learned about your country using a note taking sheet from your teacher. Be sure to fill out a separate sheet for each source of information.

Step 4:

Begin to plan a practical itinerary.

  1. As a group, discuss where each member of your family would like to go and what each of you would like to see (and do) on your trip.
  2. Discuss the pros and cons for each activity
  3. Compromise to find activities for each member of the family.

Click here for questions to consider when planning your trip.

Step 5:

Calculate the cost of the trip and create a realistic budget.

  1. Create an Excel spreadsheet to show your proposed budget for the trip.
  2. Make sure to convert all prices to U.S. Dollars using, The Currency Site 164TM Currency Converter or Currency Converter.
  3. Make sure your trip is possible for $6,000 or less at the current exchange rate.
  4. Make adjustments to your trip as necessary to stay within your budget.

Click here for a list of Things to Include in Your Budget.

Step 6: 

Design an itinerary for your trip using a desktop publishing application.

Using the desktop publishing program assigned by your teacher, choose the brochure or pamphlet layout that will work best for your project. Are you going to add many graphic elements or will it be mostly text? How can you make it attractive so that people will want to read it, without going overboard on color?

Make sure to arrange your information chronologically, day by day.

Include a bibliography to cite all sources. Use one of the following online resources to create your bibliography entries, then copy and paste them into a Microsoft Word document.

NoodleTools Make sure to click on Quick Cite, their free resource.

Step 7:
Evaluate your project (before turning it in).

Look at the Evaluation form. Make sure you have done everything you were required to do. See how you will be graded.


Step 8:
Check to make sure you have everything you are supposed to have.
Turn in your notes, your itinerary, your bibliography, and your budget.

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